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The Snipe SRG was born conceptually in 2020, when eight snipist friends from Cartagena, commanded by José Luis Coello Núñez, founder and CEO of the technological company in composite materials SINERGIA RACING GROUP, are excited about the idea of ​​designing and manufacturing boats with their own stamp and marked innovative character.

Carlos Soto Valero, Engineer responsible for the company’s Technical Department and also a sniper,

one of the main promoters of the idea, tried to capture and fit into the hydrodynamic design he had, all the concepts that were listed and established after a series of meetings with all the sailors involved in the project (who have won several Spanish and World Championships in different classes of dinghy and cruiser sailing), among whom the figure of Juan Manuel Barrionuevo Vallejo, recently proclaimed World Champion and of the Copa del Rey of the Swan 42 class (Alfredo González’s mate on board).
Within the SRG team, it is worth highlighting the figures of the Architect Pablo García Meca and Jesús Ros, two-time champions of the Copa del Rey de Vela, who contributed their knowledge and extensive experience in the construction of the boat, as well as in the optimization of the systems .
With approved molds and boats measured by Don José Pérez, who perseveres so much and bets on the Snipe class, the time had come to show if the Snipe SRG would really meet the expectations created.

The rudders have also been designed and manufactured at SRG based on the extensive aeronautical knowledge that the company possesses, which has made the Snipe SRG a very competitive boat, as the results show. At a structural level, finite element tests were carried out to achieve the necessary rigidities according to the area of ​​the boat, a very important piece of information to make an “all round”.

The tandem formed by Alfredo Gonzalez and Cristian Sánchez, trusted in our project from the beginning,

shortening the deadlines established in terms of improving the performance of the boat, which was soon reflected in the victory obtained in the Spanish Snipe Cup at the end of June against major rivals and who ultimately were top 10 in the World Cup held in Cascais (Portugal).
The Lanzarote sailors prepared the world championship conscientiously and managed to proclaim themselves brand new World Champions with a Snipe SRG, entirely Spanish design and construction.

From the SRG team it has been a pride and there are only words of gratitude for the effort and work done by the current World Champions and the entire team involved, exceeding our expectations, because from the beginning in our minds was the illusion of winning a World Cup , we never thought that it would be on our first attempt and with only one boat present in the championship.
Thanks to everyone who has collaborated in some way in this project, making it possible for Spain to have a new World Champion in the Snipe class after a long period of drought.